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23/02/2009   Revamped Security Awareness Stickers and Posters dated: 23/02/2009

In times of hardship we all have to be more wary and security concious because as the recession bites we can expect crime to increase so now is a good time to spend some time on security matters.

We have "re-vamped" the GJIS security stickers and posters therefore you may find them to be a useful when it comes to your security and the health and safety of your team.

The selection covers all the usual areas of security awareness practiced by the Jewellery Trade and in addition uses matters of compliance and legal notices as a tool to promote security awareness to your staff and the public.

Up to date security deterrents such as Smoke and Fog machines are considered powerful deterrents to would be criminals and the number of stores and locations where such equipment is used is rapidly on the increase. Should you decide to invest in this kind of technology it is a possibility that your insurers will consider this to be worthy of financial incentive - by way of decreased premiums. Accordingly keep us informed of your plans so we can explore the possibilities.

Unfortunately we cannot give an across the board guarantee of reduced premiums because each of our clients' needs are different. However your insurers are prepared to consider each case on its own merits.

The literature is available from our offices so if you would like a selection please request by email or give us a call.

If you require any assistance or advice regarding any security product or Health and Safety matter we shall be pleased to assist - just let us know.

At GJIS we are eager to please and would welcome any suggestions or other ideas regarding risk management notices or posters which you would like to see so please let us know in rder that we can consider them for future production.


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